- Six one-day, in-person and online, workshops over ten weeks between March 23rd and May 25th, 2023. In-person workshops will be held at AWS offices in Dublin.
- The workshops will focus on developing a deep understanding of your customer need, the market opportunity, developing your technical roadmap and go–to-market plan.
- Two parallel mentoring strands, one focussing on progressing your business proposition and the second on your technology roadmap. Access and support from clinical, regulatory and public procurement expertise will also be provided.
- $2,000 of AWS credits for all participating companies with a Demo Day prize of $100,000 of AWS credits.
- There is no fee or equity taken to participate in the programme.
Who Should Apply
We are looking for early-stage pre-investment start-ups or established companies from across the island of Ireland that intend to address health and wellbeing needs by creating better patient and/or clinician experiences, lowering healthcare costs, delivering better patient outcomes and/or support healthier living.
You are likely to already have an early MVP or be ready to develop one and need support with one or more of the following:
- Developing and validating your business proposition
- Technical guidance on building and scaling in the cloud taking into account regulatory, data privacy and cyber security considerations.
- Access to specialist expertise such as clinical, regulatory, pilots/trials, pathways to market, public procurement and investor readiness.
Talk to us if you would like to discuss how eHealth Embark could help your business to accelerate growth and scale operations.

Applications Open
16 Jan 2023
Applications close
26th Feb 2023
Applicants notified
28th Feb 2023
Start date
23rd March 2023
Demo Day
23rd May 2023

Previous Cohort Winners
23rd May 2023, Dublin – Dundalk/ Dublin, Ireland. Winners of this prestigious award were EpiCapture Ltd and MedWrite. Both start-ups were commended for their outstanding potential to further digital health innovation and provide unique digital solutions to address healthcare challenges across global markets. EpiCapture will receive up to $70,000 Amazon Web Services (AWS) credits, whilst Medwrite has access to $30,000 credits, with both companies receiving access to hotdesks and support at Dundalk Institute of Technology.
Contact Us
What are the eligibility criteria?
- You have identified a healthcare problem/need and designed a digital solution.
- You have a digital health innovation and have registered a company to commercialise your innovation.
- Your innovation meets a clinical need and improves patient outcomes, clinical practices, workflow challenges or lowers the cost of healthcare.
- You have a working prototype or need help to develop one.
- Your digital health company is registered and located on the island of Ireland.
- eHealth Embark could help your business to accelerate growth and scale operations.
How many participants will be selected?
10 participants will be selected based on the above criteria
What is the application process?
Simply complete the online application form. If you would like to discuss your application prior to submission, reach out to our team and we’ll guide you through the process.
What does the programme provide to participants ?
For a list of all the benefits to participants under this free programme, click here.